A Message from the Foundation

February 18, 2025

The Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd Foundation Board invites you to consider giving to the Foundation this year. Your celebration, memorial, and legacy gifts allow the Foundation Board to make grants that support the Foundation’s mission. That mission includes developing and managing “an endowment that enhances and extends the congregation’s worship, educational programs, and ministry.” When you have an event to celebrate think of the Foundation. A baby, an anniversary, a new job, a special birthday are just a few examples. Or perhaps there’s a time to rejoice and give a gift in gratitude for God’s blessings. A memorial is an opportunity to remember a loved one or friend. If you are interested in exploring a legacy gift, contact a member of the Foundation Board. We would be happy to discuss that with you. The Foundation Board is grateful for your gifts and is committed to be good stewards of your generosity.

Thank You!

Members of Good Shepherd are also members of the Foundation. Thank you for all you do to support the Foundation and its work. The Foundation is grateful for memorial, celebration, and legacy gifts that enable the Foundation to continue its support for the congregation and its outreach.


March Foundation Grants


Choir Robes Grant Approved