Choir Robes Grant Approved

Written by, Nancy Rystrom, Foundation President

At its October meeting, the Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd Foundation Board approved a $10,000 grant for new choir robes. The current choir robes are over 40 years old and are near the end of a serviceable life. Seth Hartwell, Director of Worship and Music, worked with a group of choir members to select an option with an “organic, informal yet liturgically appropriate appearance, which matches the warmth and humility of Good Shepherd.” The robes will enhance the unity of the Good Shepherd Choir and the role of the choir as worship leaders. We look forward to seeing the new robes when they arrive in the next few months.

Thank You!

Members of Good Shepherd are also members of the Foundation. Thank you for all you do to support the Foundation and its work. The Foundation is grateful for memorial, celebration, and legacy gifts that enable the Foundation to continue its support for the congregation and its outreach.


A Message from the Foundation


Foundation Board Approves Grants