South Metro MobilePack and First Communion Class

2025 South Metro MobilePack 

Year 11 is in the books, the South Metro Mobile Pack has been going strong since 2014 and Good Shepherd’s involvement continues to be a powerful addition to that event.

Earlier this month over 723,000 meals were packed over 14 shifts at Shepherd of the Lake Lutheran Church in Prior Lake. Good Shepherd showed up like they always do through prayer and generous donations and more than 50 individuals on-site to scoop, seal, and box. We joined over 2500 volunteers from different denominations, cities, sports, businesses, and schools, showing the strength of what we can do when we join together to serve others.

The overall meal count is exciting when it climbs that high, and it’s always great to have a goal for those events, however, the number I think that’s the most important is 1,981. That is the number of kids that can be fed a life-sustaining meal every day for an entire year. Thank you for helping make that a reality.

As you know, this event has a sizable grocery bill, and donations are still being accepted HERE if you feel called to contribute.

We are already looking forward to next year and continuing the momentum of this important event for our community.

Written by Mark Halvorson, Director of Congregational Ministries

First Communion Class

During worship on Sunday, February 16, we had five kids receive their First Communion! These students attended a First Communion class taught by Pastor Deb, where they learned about the history, the importance, and what happens during communion. We are excited and honored to welcome these students to God’s table, where all are welcome.

If you or your child is interested, please reach out to Pastor Deb Bergstrand.

(From left to right: Lily and Cora McCullough, Delilah and Michael Nadeau, Lydia West, and their families)


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