Foundation Board Approves Grants

Written by, Nancy Rystrom, Foundation President

The Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd Foundation Board approved two grants at its May 7 meeting. These grants are in addition to the previously announced $360,000 grant for payment of Good Shepherd’s mortgage principal.

Pastor Jacobson Farewell Event

The Foundation Board approved a $1000 grant to fund Pastor Karl Jacobson’s farewell event, including the picnic lunch. The lunch provided an opportunity for the congregation to celebrate Pastor Karl’s service to Good Shepherd and to gather in fellowship as a community. It was wonderful to see the excellent turnout for the worship service and picnic on May 19.

One in Christ Book Translation and Publication

The Foundation Board approved a $4500 grant for the Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus to translate and print the book, One in Christ. This is the book that Good Shepherd published about its relationship with the church in Ethiopia, especially in Aira.  Karen Walhof wrote this book in English (totally unpaid as a volunteer). The Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus specifically made this request so that the book can be made available to pastors in the church. They will use resources in Ethiopia for translating and printing. Good Shepherd will receive a copy of the translated, published book.

Thank You!

Members of Good Shepherd are also members of the Foundation. Thank you for all you do to support the Foundation and its work. The Foundation is grateful for memorial, celebration, and legacy gifts that enable the Foundation to continue its support for the congregation and its outreach.